We’re honored to be part of your health journey at ReEnvision. This series of questions will guide us in crafting a
personalized experience that aligns with where you are in your journey. We’re dedicated to ReAligning the way the
healthcare system handles patients, offering cutting-edge treatments and technologies, combined with community
support and coaching, to help you achieve the transformation you seek. Your responses will help us tailor a
comprehensive plan to ensure you feel great, look great, and perform great, so you can live the life you love with a focus
on an integrated approach to care

Progress 60%


Have you undergone any recent surgeries or medical procedures?
Do you believe the lifestyle you’re living today will support your body’s ability to restore and regenerate your health?
Do you believe eating healthier and learning more about nutrition could help your pain/challenge?
Do you currently have a regular exercise routine?
If you had less pain or more energy, would you desire to be more active?
Are you open to exploring beliefs, emotions, or vices to align with your ideal life?
Would you like help developing a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan to support your whole being?